
Issue I

Sorrows of the pysche

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”

—Friedrich Nietzsche

From birth till death, we are bound in agony. We emerge, crying and screeching, then decay into aged, frail corpses in the blink of an eye. Yet without suffering, there can be no joy. Those divine moments of bliss are only recognizable when contrasted to our lowest of lows.

This Issue of Candlelit Chronicles explores melancholy: sorrow, despair, and misery. The moments before we reach the light at the end of the tunnel when we are trapped in darkness. Whether it be loss, longing, or the ruin of love, explore what it means to be human through the emotions that bind us all.

Whether your work languishes in sorrow, offers a ray of hope, or emerges ultimately into joy is up to you, but as set forth in What We Seek, the atmosphere and themes must be Dark Academia.

What We’re not looking for

While we love the exploration of universal truths touching upon the themes of humanity, morality, and philosophy, we are not looking for contemporary politics.

Submission Guidelines

Length and Number of Submissions

Poetry must be no longer than 1,000 words.

Prose, including flash fiction and short stories, must be no longer than 3,000 words.

You may submit up to three works of poetry and/or prose per submission in the same file.

Simultaneous Submissions and Republication

Simultaneous submissions are allowed. However, if your piece is accepted elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible.

We do not accept previously published work. However, if your work is published in Candelit Chronicles, you may republish it in another magazine so long as you credit us as your piece’s original place of publication.


To avoid bias in the selection process, please do not have your name anywhere in your submission.

Please complete all parts of the submission form.